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a welcome to our newest customers from NJPA

The National Joint Powers Alliance is an organization dedicated to facilitating positive relationships and efficient purchases between their over 50,000 members across North America and their carefully selected vendors. NJPA is a trusted asset to their members, who...

introducing AV Solutions and PointsWest AV

We are thrilled to introduce our latest partners AV Solutions and PointsWest AV. Having already worked with them closely, we know that both companies are well-positioned to represent our products in the British Columbia market. Both provide full-service solutions for...

the benefits of soundfield systems

Just in case you missed it, we recently finished up a Twitter campaign on the benefits of soundfield systems. These facts come directly from our an article mentioned in one of our older posts, that you can view in its entirety here. These facts let people know about...
new research articles and resources

new research articles and resources

We have been exploring a number external as well as self-published articles and online resources that we would love to share. These include an updated Soundfield Amplification Summary detailing the efficacy of sound field amplification for children and adults. We have...