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Seminar 2020 postponed

As a result of the COVID-19 emergency, our Seminar 2020 event in Elora has been postponed until October. Thank you all for your interest in this event, which has had a very enthusiastic response. We look forward to hosting a bigger and better Seminar 2020 with Gail...

Sprek is here

The much anticipated new Sprek system has arrived right on time for the new school year. Sprek is a totally new take on digital toteable soundfield and has lots of possible uses. The powerful little speaker is only 8cm x 8cm and easy to tote between classes. It comes...

Jo-Ann Bentley to join our management team

We are very pleased to welcome Jo-Ann Bentley, who will join the Supportive Hearing Systems management team in July. Many of you already know Jo-Ann, who has worked in the hearing industry, and specifically the non-profit sector, for many years. Jo-Ann brings a wealth...