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Our thanks to Melissa Clarke for reviewing Simeon soundfield solutions on her very inspirational Teacher Inspiration Station YouTube channel. Melissa reviewed two of our systems this month – Sprek totable soundfield / personal voice amplifier and our ever-popular Audita II portable full classroom soundfield.

In her videos Melissa has focused on using soundfield amplification in times of Covid, when masking, PPE, physical distancing and air ventilation systems are all posing new challenges for classroom audibility. The videos touch on such useful tips as streaming audio and music through your system and integrating two-way communication to include remote learners at home with the soundfield amplification in the live classroom. Thank you Melissa for reviewing Simeon soundfield and demonstrating the teaching possibilities – inspiration indeed!

Check out Melissa’s Teacher Inspiration Station here… https://www.youtube.com/c/TeacherInspirationStation/featured