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Since the first Ranger systems were introduced into Canada in the Fall, we have received some very positive feedback from teachers and their students. For schools that are already using Simeon soundfields, the Ranger personal receiver is a simple and easy addition. No longer is there any need for patching or cables to use a personal fm system alongside a Simeon soundfield.

Users appreciate the simple functions and effortless operation of Ranger too. For one student with low vision, the 3-button tactile keypad made all the difference and set Ranger apart. For another student with conductive hearing loss, her Teacher of the Deaf reported recently that she:

was at the school today and [she] was wearing the Ranger system with the bone conduction headset and backpack and loving it. She has been wearing it consistently since Tuesday morning and is much more engaged and communicative! All the staff are very impressed at the difference they see in [her] behaviour.”

As the year progresses we will continue to roll out more options and accessories for Ranger, giving even more flexibility and choice to all our customers.