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Soundfield amplification is such an asset in classrooms that teachers want to take their systems to different locations, use them in different spaces, share them with other teachers, and connect them to all sorts of audio devices and other media.

This is especially easy with Audita, which is totally portable and can be used in so many different ways. Teachers really appreciate the endless connection possibilities, and the speech-activated voice priority feature when giving presentations. 

We partnered with Walden Design to develop three short new videos to help teachers get the best out of their Audita soundfield. The aim was to illustrate simply why we use Audita, how to use it in your classroom, and what it’s capable of beyond helping to hear the teacher.

This video shows the difference amplification can make in typical classroom noise and room reverberation. You will also hear the difference between using a boom mic and a pendant mic, for those who need convincing!

A simple how-to for anyone using Audita for the first time. In less than five minutes you will see everything you need to know to use your Audita, charge the batteries and get the best from the Simeon microphones.

This video will show you how to connect tablets or whiteboards to Audita, interface personal FM systems, and use an Omnipanel speaker to amplify surprisingly large spaces.